The eminent Russian psychologist, Lev Vygotsky, believed that we are hardwired to be social animals. From this viewpoint, knowledge — and therefore learning — originates in the social community. Continue reading Social constructivism takes a view of learning based on the insight that humans are essentially social animals
All posts by Robin
Cognitive constructivism encourages us to create digital learning that meets learners’ current stage of development
Just as behaviourism developed as a reaction to the highly subjective, introspective approach to psychology common in the late 19th and early 20th century, cognitive constructivism was conceived, in no small part, as a response to the strict focus on observable phenomena encouraged by behaviourism. Continue reading Cognitive constructivism encourages us to create digital learning that meets learners’ current stage of development
Has behaviourism had its day, or does it still have something to teach us about creating high quality digital learning?
If you can’t see something, it doesn’t exist.
This statement, though a little reductive, gives a good idea of the essence of behaviourism. Continue reading Has behaviourism had its day, or does it still have something to teach us about creating high quality digital learning?
Animations are powerful learning tools — how can we make the most of them?
Scripting animations is one of my favourite work tasks. It’s creative, it’s challenging, and it’s something where I can really see my ideas come to life.
Continue reading Animations are powerful learning tools — how can we make the most of them?
Writing for non-native English speakers can be a challenge, but don’t worry! It’s mostly about ‘plain English’
In the elearning industry, we often have to create content for audiences who are spread across different parts of the globe. This means that sometimes, many (or even most) of the people we are writing for do not speak English as their first language. This can present some real challenges. Continue reading Writing for non-native English speakers can be a challenge, but don’t worry! It’s mostly about ‘plain English’
Defining outcomes and objectives is the moment that makes or breaks most e-learning projects
It’s the moment when you bring together knowledge of the audience and the purpose of the course – when you ask: what exactly do our learners need to know and be able to do, and why? Continue reading Defining outcomes and objectives is the moment that makes or breaks most e-learning projects
Other elearning trends will come and go, but video is here to stay
Fire safety courses are always in danger of being dull, but it doesn’t have to be that way. I recently worked on one which used video in an innovative and refreshing way, to enliven the subject and really grab the attention of our audience.
Continue reading Other elearning trends will come and go, but video is here to stay